I have collected together the accumulated links to roadmaps that will be useful to everyone, especially if you have questions about what to study, etc.

🔹 Roadmap for Software Quality Assurance Engineer and Quality Automation Engineer: https://github.com/fityanos/awesome-quality-assurance-roadmap

🔹 Roadmap for SDET (Software Development Engineer in Test): https://github.com/testleaf-software/roadmap.testleaf.in

🔹 Knowledge base and roadmap for technical lead, suitable for QA too: https://github.com/tlbootcamp/tlroadmap

🔹 Mail Group QA roadmap: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lXUgVuQ=/

🔹 Quality Engineer Roadmap: https://link.medium.com/WQ2cxeOaMpb

🔹 Tester roadmap: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gl9YKwnaokcJnMMOcpfxoB9Hi4Ce_EfR/view

Original post in Telegram - https://t.me/qa_relia/49